Nora Sherwood
Portraying Nature to Educate and Inspire
"In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand,
and we will understand only what we are taught." – Baba Dioum
Watercolor Fall
A series of Zoom-based skill-share workshops that will be technical in nature, and will help build your knowledge of, and control over, watercolor.
Watercolor is an artistic medium that is wonderfully accessible – the materials are relatively inexpensive, it’s not smelly, doesn’t involve toxic chemicals, and set-up and clean-up are easy.
Although the medium is attainable, it’s not easy. I’ve worked with lots of people who find it, quite frankly, rather frustrating. Understanding pigments, knowing how to layer/glaze, and learning when to use different amounts of water really helped me level up.
The sessions will be offered over five (slightly random, due to scheduling complications) Saturdays during fall 2023. You can register for any that are of interest to you, or sign up for all five of them (10% discount).
Sessions are recorded, you don't need to attend in person.
Recommended: If you are new to watercolor, or still struggling with it, please sign up for "The Basics."
Register for all five sessions ($225, 10% discount)
Register for Session 1, The Basics ($50), Oct. 7
Register for Session 2, Luminous Mushrooms ($50), Oct. 14
Register for Session 3, Fall Leaves ($50), Oct. 21
Register for Session 4, Pumpkins and Gourds ($50), Nov. 11
Register for Session 5, Holly Leaves and Berries ($50), Dec. 2
**Note, I don't seem to be able to get rid of the shipping charge, so when you register and get to the check-out screen, choose the "Studio Pickup" option in shipping, and that'll get rid of the shipping charge.**
All sessions take place on Saturdays, noon-2:30 p.m. Pacific. Sessions are recorded and you will receive links to all session recordings for which you are registered.
Any participant in any of my workshops always is welcome to attend the free open studio/drop in session every Wednesday, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Pacific, most weeks of the year.
This series of classes is meant for those who are new to watercolor, as well as for people who have some experience but would like to improve their skills. The order of the workshops is set up to build skills in a logical progression.
Each workshop will consist of a two and a half-hour Zoom session. Part of the time will be dedicated to lecture and demonstration, and part for you to practice the techniques and get feedback. You’ll also be able to send in pictures of your efforts after the workshop to get personalized help.
1. The Basics - Oct. 7
Register for Session 1, The Basics ($50), Oct. 7
People who are brand new to watercolors, or even those who have dabbled a bit, can find watercolor a difficult medium to control. In this workshop, I’ll walk through my watercolor set-up and talk about equipment (paints, paper, brushes, water, palettes, etc.) and show you how to create several different kinds of washes.
You’ll have a chance to try your hand at a flat wash, gradient wash, blended wash and a wet-into-wet wash. These basic exercises will help you understand the water part of watercolor.
With “The Basics” under your belt, the remainder of the workshops will focus on different aspects of gaining watercolor skills and knowledge to help you grow as a watercolor artist.
2. Luminous mushrooms - Learn about how strategic use pigment characteristics and washes can work for you - Oct. 14
Register for Session 2, Luminous Mushrooms ($50), Oct. 14
3. Fall leaves - See how to combine transparency and glazing to illustrate delicate botanical subject matter like leaves - Oct. 21
Register for Session 3, Fall Leaves ($50), Oct. 21
4. Pumpkins and gourds - Create form on "roundish" objects using shading techniques and a little knowledge of color theory - Nov. 11
Register for Session 4, Pumpkins and Gourds ($50), Nov. 11
5. Holly leaves and berries - Acquire a knowledge of how to achieve shininess on leaves, berries and other subject matter - Dec. 2
Register for Session 5, Holly Leaves and Berries ($50), Dec. 2
Materials list. These are just suggestions, don't feel obligated to have exactly these items. Contact me if you have any questions about materials.